Pictured above are participants in The CCSH Designated Education Program presented at the AAST 2019 Annual Meeting: Leading the Evolution In Sleep.
The CCSH Designated Education Program, which debuted at the AAST 2019 Annual Meeting in St. Louis, resulted in a packed room with nearly 90 participants. Feedback from the post-program survey was overwhelmingly positive with attendees rating the quality of the education a 4.5 on a scale of 5.0.
“As an RRT who recently stepped into a sleep navigator position, this CCSH Workshop was incredibly valuable as I take on my new role,” said Denise Alexander, RRT, who is a Clinical Sleep Navigator in the Sleep Services division at Northwestern Medicine McHenry and Huntley Hospital in Ilinois.
Alexander added, “We were given unprecedented access to some of the most respected sleep professionals in the field who shared how the CCSH credential can help us better manage, coordinate, and advocate for our patients. The workshop format enabled us to cover a wide range of topics, ask questions, and network with other professionals from around the country. It gave us an overview of what to expect and how to best prepare for the CCSH exam, including the opportunity to work through case studies. Finally, we were given a workbook that details the various topics on which we will be tested. I’m excited the BRPT will offer this new Pathway as an avenue to obtain this valuable credential. I highly recommend this new AAST program to all sleep professionals pursuing the CCSH credential.”
Upon completion of this full day workshop and receiving a passing score on the online post-test, RPSGT credential holders who have recertified at least once will be eligible to sit for the CCSH credential examination under Pathway 3 . We anticipate the new pathway will be available shortly after the new education program is available online, taking into account the post-test window and allowing candidates an opportunity to take and pass the post-test and receive their certificate.
A separate, yet equally popular program at the AAST annual conference, was a session entitled Integrated Care: How One Lab Maximizes the CCSH Credential. Led by BRPT Board member Andrea Ramberg, BA, RPSGT, CCSH, this session highlighted:
• Real-life examples of how to use the CCSH credential, including as a Sleep Navigator in the hospital system or Sleep Health Educator that bills for CPAP acclimations and education;
• How to bill for its use, including specific billing codes; and,
• True scenarios where the different roles held by a CCSH credential holder led to material cost savings.