Preparing For the STAR Program Changes Taking Effect in January

Preparing For The STAR Program Changes Taking Effect In January

By: Amber Allen, BA, RPSGT, RST, CCSH
Chair, BRPT Education Committee

As BRPT works to assess the efficacy of STAR-designated education programs, beginning in the new year, we’re implementing a two-tiered checks and balances system.

All existing STAR programs are required to submit an Annual Report that outlines several important data points that range from the number of completers, to pass rates for exam takers, to satisfaction survey results, as well as curriculum/competency changes.

Specifically, begin gathering the following data points:
1. Number of completers.
2. Number of completers who took the CCSH/RPSGT/CPSGT exams.
3. CCSH/RPSGT/CPSGT pass rates for exam takers.
4. Job placement statistics.
5. Completer satisfaction survey results.
6. Personnel changes.
7. Curriculum/competency changes.

The STAR Program Annual Report is due no later than January 31, 2020. A PDF-fillable form, can be found here.

NOTE: Since this is the first year for the Annual Report process, the BRPT will allow STAR programs to request a one-time extension until July 1, 2020 for the Annual Report to gather the required program statistics. Extension requests must be submitted to [email protected] by January 30th, 2020.

Mark Your Calendars: In 2021, in addition to the Annual Report, a $200 annual renewal fee to cover administrative costs and to maintain STAR status will be required. The BRPT will also implement a 5-year renewal process for all STAR-designated education programs. This means, all STAR Programs will need to resubmit their program application every five years so the BRPT can review the program content to ensure all components meet the STAR requirements.

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