Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find more information about eligibility requirements for the exam?

You can find more information about eligibility requirements here: CPSGT, RPSGT & CCSH.

What is the STAR Program?

The Sleep Technology Approved Resource, aka the STAR programs are BRPT approved alternative education programs that help candidates establish eligibility for the CPSGT, RPSGT and CCSH exams. The approved STAR programs along with their program number can be found here.

How long is my application fee valid to take the exam?

Your application fee is valid and refundable for one full year from the date your payment was processed.  Refunds are not available after one year has passed.

If I’m applying online, what is needed for my Verification of Experience?

Verification of Experience Letters must be on official letterhead and must include the following:

  • Verifier’s name, title, phone # and email address
  • Signature/date in original ink
  • How many acceptable hours have been completed within the past 3 years of application submission
  • For CPSGT/RPSGT applications:  That the hours of experience included direct patient scoring and/or recording
  • For CCSH applications:  That the hours of experience included education, counseling, management and coordination of patient care outcomes.

Submission of the Verification of Experience section from our printable .pdf version of our application in lieu of the above is not acceptable, and will result in your application being rejected.

How long is my approval window to take the exam?

If your BLS expires prior to the full year from payment, your exam window will default to expire on the date of your BLS expiration date. If you email or fax an updated BLS to our office requesting the full year for your approval, we will extend your date to the maximum of one year from when you originally applied and paid for the exam. If you have passed the 1 year window, you have to reapply and re-pay the full exam fee to be able to approved to sit for the exam again.

How much does the exam cost?

Each time you apply for an exam, you will be required to pay the full exam fee:

  • RPSGT:  $550.00
  • CPSGT:  $300.00
  • CCSH:    $550.00

What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Certified Cashier’s Checks and Money Orders.  We do not accept Discover or personal checks.

How many times can I retake the RPSGT or the CCSH exams and is there a waiting period?

There isn’t a limit on the number of times you can re-apply for the RPSGT or the CCSH exams as long as you reapply within 3 years from the last time you tested.  Once approved, you may schedule and retake your exam on-demand based off of your local testing center’s availability.

How many times can I retake the CPSGT exam and is there a waiting period?

The CPSGT exam can be taken up to two times.  Once approved, you may schedule and retake your exam on-demand based off of your local testing center’s availability.

If I have earned my RPSGT or CCSH credential can I retake the RPSGT or CCSH exam for any other reasons besides recertification?

No.  Current RPSGTs or CCSHs who apply to take the examination for any other reasons besides recertification violate the BRPT Standards of Conduct and are subject to review by the Professional Review Committee.

If I have earned or once earned my CPSGT credential, can I re-take the CPSGT exam for any other reason?

No. Active RPSGTs may not take the CPSGT examina­tion.  RPSGTs who apply to take the examination violate the BRPT Standards of Conduct and are subject to review by the Professional Review Committee.

If I currently hold a CPSGT credential and I earn my RPSGT credential can I carry both credentials?

No. Once you have earned the RPSGT credential the CPSGT credential goes into inactive status permanently.

If I answered “yes” to any of the Background Check questions on the application, what do I need to submit as documentation?

You must submit the following:

  • A complete written explanation or narrative of the circumstances surrounding the proceedings
  • Copies of court and other official documentation that all penalties and/or court-ordered obligations have been fulfilled and receipts for payment of any fees.

How do I obtain an exam accommodation that complies with the ADA (Americans with Disability Act)?

To apply for any exam accommodation, you must complete and submit the required ADA documentation located at the end of each of our candidate handbooks. These forms are required to receive any ADA accommodation. You can find our handbooks here: CPSGT, RPSGT & CCSH.

Why was my application returned to me with a $50 processing fee?

Any incomplete applications will be rejected and returned to the applicant. In order to re-apply, you must submit your corrected application and include a $50.00 re-processing fee.

Can my application be typed?

Applications being mailed may be typed but the signatures must be original ink signatures. Photocopied signature pages or e-Signatures will result in your application being rejected.

Are my A-Step Self Study Modules still good?

Our A-STEP Modules requirements can be found here.  Please contact A-STEP directly for any additional information.

What are your recommended study preparation materials for the exams?




Can a verification letter of my credential information be sent to a state licensing board or to a current or previous employer?

Yes. please request your verification by logging into the Self Service Portal.  Once received, we will mail a letter to your desired location within 3-5 business days.  We will not send credential holders verification letters of their credential.  We will only send them to licensing boards and employers. 

How do I reschedule my exam?

Please contact PearsonVUE Testing Center at 1-888-733-3926 to reschedule your exam. The exam must be rescheduled at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled exam. If the exam isn’t rescheduled with at least 24 hours notice,  you will be asked to contact the BRPT for a new exam authorization, and the BRPT will charge a reschedule fee of $100.

When will I receive my exam score?

With the on-demand testing model you will receive an immediate score report from your testing center administrator upon completion of the exam.

When I began my exam at the PearsonVUE Testing Center, I didn’t agree to the NDA statement within 3 minutes and my test timed out. How do I reschedule the exam?

Not agreeing to our NDA statement within the allotted timeframe results in a “no-show” status. Please log into the Self Service Portal to reapply, and you will be required to pay the $100.00 No-Show fee in order to submit your reapplying candidate application.

Where are Pearson VUE Testing Centers located?

Pearson VUE Testing Centers have locations all around the world. Location information can be found on their website at You will only have access to their availability once you have been approved to sit for your exam.

I have a lot of Recertification questions, where can I find answers?

You can find all the information you need regarding our Recertification Protocols here: Recertification Guidelines.

How do I maintain my CPSGT credential?

In order to keep your temporary 3 year CPSGT credential active, you must earn and submit into the Portal a minimum of 10 CEC’s that follow our Recertification Guidelines each year. Failure to do so will result in your credential being suspended permanently, and you will not be able to reinstate it. In order to become credentialed again, you must sit for and pass the RPSGT exam.

Is BRPT a separate organization or is it a branch of a professional association?

BRPT is incorporated as an independent nonprofit certification board. It is governed by a 12-member Board of Directors comprised of sleep technologists, physicians, and researchers. The volunteer Board is responsible for oversight and management of all aspects of BRPT’s operations and services. BRPT is independent and is not a branch of the AAST, AASM, ABSM, AARC, CoA PSG or other such organizations.


BRPT Announces Open Position for Board of Directors for 2025 CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: 2025 ASTEP/STAR GRANT PROGRAM The BRPT Names Steve Glinka President-Elect of The Board Of Directors