Effective August 1 – New CCSH Exam Blueprint

A new form of the CCSH exam will take effect August 1.  All exam candidates sitting for the CCSH exam on or after August 1, are strongly encouraged to review the new exam blueprint, available here.  Updated versions of the CCSH candidate handbook, study guide and practice exam will be available in June to reflect the forthcoming exam blueprint.

While changes to the exam blueprint were minimal, there were modifications in verbiage used to describe the different domains and the percentages attributed to each. For example:

  • Domain 1 Sleep Over The Lifespan, will now be entitled Sleep Fundamentals with an increased percentage value of 30%. Neurological, neuromuscular and metabolic disorders have been added to Domain 1.
  • In Domain 4, a clearer and more comprehensive definition of collaborative and multidisciplinary sleep programs now includes dental, cardiology and primary care programs.

A top priority for the BRPT is to maintain, update and validate its credentialing exams. The process by which this is done is very thorough and strictly complies with best practices in the credentialing industry.  An important element of this process is to conduct a Job Task Analysis (JTA) survey approximately every five years. The survey examines the current state of the clinical sleep health profession – the responsibilities and the knowledge and skills required to fulfill those responsibilities – and provides a benchmark for updating the exams.

A JTA was conducted for the CCSH exam in 2018. The results of this Job Task Analysis survey, conducted in partnership with PearsonVUE, BRPT’s test development partner, confirms the CCSH exam continues to measure important knowledge areas relevant to clinical sleep health specialists, and is still doing a good job of testing the pertinent information needed to be a strong, practicing CCSH.

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