CPSGT Handbook


 How To Contact BRPT

Examination Overview

Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility Pathways
Proof of Education
BCLS Certification
Acknowledgements of Understanding
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
STAR Education
A-STEP Requirements for Exam Eligibility

Application Procedures

Examination Fees
Application Tracking
New vs Reapplying Application
Background Checks
Application Approval
Applicant Email
Application Audits
Special Accommodations

Acceptance for Examination

Scheduling a Test Center Appointment
Process For Postponing or Rescheduling an Exam
Canceling an Examination With Refund
Extraordinary Circumstances
BCLS Expiration

The Day of the Examination

Two Forms of Identification
Confidentiality and Non Disclosure Agreement
Late Arrivals
No-Show Status
The Test Session
Violations During Testing
Hazardous Weather / Emergency Closure

CPSGT Exam Blueprint

Exam Items

Sample Questions

CPSGT Primary References


Test Scoring and Score Reporting

Standard Setting
Modified Bookmark Method
Raw and Scaled Scores
Item Pretesting
Score Reporting
Duplicate or Replacement Score Reports


Duration of The CPSGT Certificate

Yearly Continuing Education

Candidate Grievances

CPSGT Certificates

Duplicate or Replacement Certificates

Name / Address Updates

Certificant Online Profile

Verification of Credentials

Logo Items

About BRPT

BRPT Mission Statement
BRPT Vision Statement
Statement of Nondiscrimination
Professional Review
Standards of Conduct for Certified Polysomnographic Technicians
The BRPT’s Position On Education

Request For BRPT Special Examination Accommodations


The Certified Polysomnographic Technician (CPSGT) Examination assesses the professional competence of practitioners who perform routine adult polysomnography and basic CPAP titration for sleep apnea. The CPSGT examination is geared toward individuals who are new to the field, or are not ready to take the Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) examination, which is considered the gold standard in sleep technologist credentialing.

A passing score on the examination is required for an individual to earn the time-limited CPSGT credential. The CPSGT credential is valid for up to 3 years from the time it is awarded and may not be renewed. CPSGTs are expected to pass the RPSGT examination within the 3 year period. They must earn and submit to the BRPT a minimum of 10 continuing education credits each year the certificate is held while they work toward the RPSGT credential. Once the RPSGT credential is awarded, the CPSGT becomes inactive and may no longer be used as a credential. An individual may not use both the CPSGT and RPSGT credentials simultaneously.

Active CPSGTs and RPSGTs may not take the examination.  CPSGTs and RPSGTs who apply to take the examination violate the BRPT Standards of Conduct and are subject to professional disciplinary review.

Each CPSGT candidate must demonstrate competence in the practice of sleep technology commensurate with the standards established by the BRPT for effective and safe patient care. All candidates and CPSGT certificants are required to abide by the BRPT Standards of Conduct and policies and procedures.

The CPSGT Candidate Handbook describes the important aspects of the certification process. It is designed to assist candidates in preparation for the examination and their roles as certified polysomnographic technicians. The handbook contains an overview of the examination, eligibility policies, rules for taking the examination, information about the application, suggested study resources and pertinent facts concerning administrative policies governing the examination and credential. Sample questions are provided to familiarize candidates with the types of questions appearing on the multiple-choice examination.

How To Contact BRPT

The BRPT uses email as our primary method of communication.  We kindly ask that within your email you include your credential # as well as First and Last name.

Should you contact the office by phone, please be aware, the BRPT does not maintain a remotely monitored, 24/7 call center. Voicemails will be responded to in the order in which they were received and are monitored Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Eastern). As many sleep technologists work night shifts, it is often difficult for the office staff to reach them during the day, which can cause further delays in overall response time.  That is why email is our preferred method of contact.

Lastly, before you contact the office with questions, please make sure you have read the candidate handbook first. A significant number of questions directed to the office are from exam candidates who have not read the candidate handbook before they begin the application process.

BRPT Executive Office
4201 Wilson Blvd
3rd Floor
Arlington, VA 22203
Telephone: (800) 935-8115 • Fax: (703) 940-7227
email: [email protected] • web site: www.brpt.org

Examination Overview

The CPSGT examination is developed and administered in accordance with the 1999 “Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing” (American Education Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National Council on Measurement in Education) as well as the 1978 “Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures” (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, et al).

The CPSGT exam is computer based and consists of 75 multiple choice items. The test presents each item with four response alternatives (a, b, c and d). Credit is granted for selection of the single best response. There is no penalty for guessing and candidates are encouraged to choose a response for each item. Candidates have two hours to complete the test.

The CPSGT application is available at www.brpt.org. Applicants should submit the application and required documents to BRPT for review and approval as soon as they have a target date in mind to take the examination. The earlier the application is received the better the chance of obtaining the preferred exam date, time and location.

  • The exam is offered on an on-demand basis. This means that once approved, candidates may schedule an exam on any available date and time within their eligibility window. The eligibility window begins on the date of payment for the exam and ends on the expiration date of the candidate’s CPR/BLS certificate (or equivalent for international candidates) or one year from the date of exam approval, whichever occurs first.
  • Exam results are available on the computer screen immediately upon completion of the test. A detailed score report is available upon departure from the testing center. BRPT does not provide exam results or score report information over the phone.
  • BRPT uses email as its official means of communication.
Pearson Vue Professional Testing Centers

The CPSGT examination is administered by Pearson VUE, BRPT’s testing partner. The BRPT retains Pearson VUE to provide testing centers and services in both the US and internationally. Pearson VUE testing centers incorporate state-of-the-art security, computer-based-testing (CBT) and professionally designed testing environments. The most current listing of test center locations is available at www.Pearson VUE.com/brpt, along with a virtual tour of a Pearson VUE professional testing center.

Eligibility Requirements

There are three eligibility pathways for the CPSGT exam. Applicants should review the eligibility requirements for each pathway to determine which one best meets their qualifications and background. Applicants must meet ALL eligibility requirements as of the date of application. To take the CPSGT examination, applicants must

  • Satisfy the requirements for ONE of the exam eligibility pathways.
  • Hold current CPR/BLS certification for healthcare workers that follows the most recent AHA Guidelines or international equivalent.
  • Agree to follow BRPT Standards of Conduct and policies and procedures.

Eligibility Pathways

*Please Note: Active CPSGTs and RPSGTs may not take the examination.  CPSGTs and RPSGTs who apply to take the examination violate the BRPT Standards of Conduct and are subject to professional review.

CPSGT Pathway 1: Clinical Experience. For candidates with a minimum of 3 months of clinical experience in polysomnography, who have completed a STAR-designated Self-Study education program.
CPSGT Pathway 2: CAAHEP/CoARC. For students within 2 months of graduation from, or graduates of, a CAAHEP or CoARC-accredited polysomongraphy education program.
CPSGT Pathway 3: Focused Training. For candidates who have completed STAR-designated Focused education, or a combination of Self-Study and Focused 2 education.

Pathway Details

CPSGT Pathway 1: Clinical Experience

Candidates must complete:

  1. A STAR-designated Self-Study education program within a 3-5 year period (depending on program) prior to the exam.
  2. A minimum of 3 months clinical experience in polysomnography, with a cumulative total of at least 416 hours of clinical time prior to the exam.

Candidates must submit application with: 

  1. Proof of completion of secondary education. Proof can include high school or college unofficial transcript, official transcript or copy of the diploma.
  2. Verification of Experience proof (see application for details)
  3. Proof of completion of the required STAR education.
  4. Documentation of current CPR/BLS certification for healthcare workers that follows the most recent AHA Guidelines or international equivalent.


Candidates must:

  1. Be enrolled in, or a graduate of, an education program in polysomnography accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) or the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC). CAAHEP and CoARC-accredited programs include stand-alone programs for polysomnography, and add-on programs attached to an neurodiagnostic or respiratory care program.
  2. Be within 2 months of graduation, or a graduate of, the CAAHEP or CoARC polysomnography program.
  3. Successfully complete required course work up to the time of the exam application and at the time of the exam, and be a student or graduate in good standing.

Candidates must submit with the application: 

  1. Proof of enrollment in, or graduation from, a CAAHEP or CoARC-accredited polysomnography technology education program. Proof must be an official transcript or a copy of the diploma. Unofficial transcripts will be rejected.
  2. If student is within 1 months of graduation, student must include documentation of good standing and pending graduation date.
  3. Documentation of current CPR/BLS certification for healthcare workers that follows the most recent AHA Guidelines or international equivalent.

CPSGT Pathway 3: Focused Training

Candidates must complete:

  1. A STAR-designated Focused education program OR both a STAR-designated Self-Study education program AND a STAR-designated Focused 2 program no more than 3-5 years (depending on the program) prior to submitting your application.

Candidates must submit with the application:

  1. Proof of completion of the required STAR program(s).
  2. Proof of completion of secondary education.
  3. Documentation of current CPR/BLS certification for healthcare workers that follows the most recent AHA Guidelines or international equivalent.

Proof of Education

Acceptable forms of proof of education include

  • Certificates of completion for each course or module of a STAR Self-Study, Focused, or Focused 2 education program.
  • Certificate of completion for the entire education program.
  • Pathway 2 only, an official transcript, official letter from a college signed by the Program Director and Dean, or a diploma from the education provider.

Acceptable forms of documentation of secondary education are

  • Diploma or un-official transcript from high school, college, or university.
  • GED or equivalent.

CPR/BLS Certification

All CPSGT certificants and exam candidates must hold current CPR/BLS certification for healthcare workers that follows the most recent AHA Guidelines or international equivalent.

Polysomnography State Licensure Requirements

Statutory requirements for sleep technologists can vary greatly from state to state.  Some states require licensure for sleep technologists, while other states don’t address education or training for sleep technologists at all in their statutes.  The AAST offers a comprehensive directory that outlines the statutory requirements in each state for sleep technologists.  Stay up to date on the necessary requirements in your state to obtain and/or maintain licensure here.

Acknowledgements of Understanding

Eligibility for the CPSGT examination and maintenance of the credential once achieved require adherence to the BRPT Standards of Conduct and policies and procedures. Exam candidates are required to sign a statement as part of the exam application process to acknowledge their understanding of and consequences for violations to the BRPT Standards of Conduct and/or policies and procedures. Violations may result in restriction or loss of eligibility to take the CPSGT or RPSGT examinations, or the suspension or revocation of the CPSGT credential.

To protect the security of the examination and maintain the validity of test scores, candidates are required to agree to a Confidentiality and Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) that is presented at the beginning of the exam. Failure to accept the terms of the NDA results in immediate termination of the exam.

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)

CAAHEP Approved Polysomnographic Programs

Students enrolled in a Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) approved polysomnography technology education program are eligible for approval for the exam within two months of graduation or successful completion of the program. Their approval to test will begin on the date of their graduation. CAAHEP approves both stand-alone Polysomnographic Technology programs and add-on Polysomnographic Technology programs as part of a Neurodiagnostic Technology education tract. More details are located at www.caahep.org.

Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC)

The BRPT eligibility requirements allow for students enrolled in a Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC) approved program with a Polysomnography add-on to become eligible to take the exam within two months of graduation or successful completion of the program. For more information on CoARC, visit www.coarc.com/accredited_programs.htm. LIVE LINK

For an up-to-date listing of those Polysomnographic Technology programs formally approved by CAAHEP and CoARC, go to www.brpt.org/default.asp?contentID=89. LIVE LINK Only those programs voted on and approved by the CAAHEP and CoARC, and subsequently listed on the their websites, meet eligibility for Pathway 2 of the CPSGT examination. Program requirements must be complete by the date of testing. Students must complete both the core education program and the add-on Polysomnographic Technologist program to be eligible for the exam.

STAR Education

The BRPT reviews education programs for Pathway 1 and Pathway 3 exam eligibility and awards programs the STAR (Sleep Technology Approved Resource) designation. Programs can receive STAR designation in one or more of the following categories: Self-Study, Focused, and Focused 2 education. A complete listing of STAR providers and more detailed STAR information can be found at www.brpt.org.

  • Self-Study programs consist of organized, self-paced, education tracts that are often computer-based.
  • Focused programs include at least 80 hours of lecture and on-site skills training AND a self-study or expanded classroom education component as part of one education program.
  • Focused 2 programs include at least 80 hours of lecture and on-site skills training that MUST be paired with a Self-Study program to meet eligibility requirements for CPSGT Pathway 3. The Focused 2 program and Self-Study program can be from the same STAR education providers or different STAR providers.

A-STEP Program Requirements

If applying through Pathway’s 1 or 3 and you completed a Self Study, Focused 2 or Focused program through A-STEP, the program must have been completed no more than 5 years prior to submitting your exam application.

Application Procedures

To apply for the CPSGT examination, candidates must complete the exam application through our online self service portal.

Once a New or Reapplying candidate application is received by the BRPT, the processing time to receive an exam approval is between 7-10 business days.

Reapplying Candidates are able to submit their reapplying exam application at any time after receiving a failing score.  Please note that the standard 7-10 business day processing time still applies.

If the application does not meet all eligibility requirements or does not include the required supporting documents, it will be rejected and the applicant will be required to pay a $50.00 returned application fee in order to submit again.

Candidates should submit their application and all required documents and fees as early as possible. Early submission greatly increases the candidate’s chance of securing a testing date, time, and location of the candidate’s choice.

Candidates with questions regarding the application, supplemental documents, fees, or eligibility should refer to the BRPT website for Frequently Asked Questions. If they are unable to find the information they need, they should submit their questions to [email protected]. Inquiries to this email are acknowledged within 2 business days of receipt.

Examination Fees

The examination fee is due at the time of application. Candidates must pay the examination fee in United States dollars. The exam fee is valid for one year from the date of payment and for only one examination session within that year.

The examination fee when completing the online form requires payment with a major credit card. BRPT accepts American Express, Master Card and Visa. Credit cards are charged as soon as the secure credit card payment processing is complete. Candidates who use the hand-filled paper application can pay by credit card, cashier’s check or money order and must include payment when mailing the application and required documentation to BRPT. BRPT does not accept personal checks.

CPSGT Exam Fee
$300.00 (U.S.)
an important announcement:  the cpsgt exam fee for both new and reapplying candidates will increase to $300.00 effective july 1st, 2023
Resubmission Fee

Rejected applications require a $50 fee upon resubmission.


Applicants may cancel an application and receive a partial refund of the exam fee less the non-refundable $50.00 application processing fee. To receive a refund candidates must:

Cancel their application with the BRPT Executive Office within one year of the date of payment of the initial exam fee.

Cancel a scheduled exam appointment directly with Pearson VUE at least 24 hours prior to the testing appointment.

Exam fees that are still pending and not used for a testing session one year from the date of payment are forfeited by the candidate. The forfeited fees may not be refunded or applied toward another examination.

Rescheduling or Postponing Fee

There is no fee to reschedule or postpone a scheduled exam appointment as long as the candidate contacts Pearson VUE at least 24 hours prior to a testing appointment.

No-Show FEE

Candidates who do not take the exam on the scheduled date and do not cancel, reschedule, or postpone their appointment at least one business day prior to the testing appointment are counted as a no-show candidate. No-show candidates are not eligible for a refund of their examination fee. No-show candidates may, however, reschedule an exam after contacting the BRPT’s Executive Office and paying a $100 No-Show fee. No-show candidates may reschedule up to one year from the date of their initial approval to test notice.

Application Tracking

Applicants are responsible for tracking delivery of the application and required documents to BRPT. The BRPT is not responsible for tracking application delivery and receipt, and is not responsible for confirming receipt of applications. If an applicant desires confirmation of delivery or receipt, it is the candidate’s responsibility to utilize a delivery method that tracks the application.

New vs Reapplying Application

Candidates should apply as a New Candidate if

  • They have not taken the exam before.
  • They failed their last exam 3 or more years ago and have not taken the exam more than once in the past.
  • Their current eligibility experience and education requirements were completed more than 3 years ago.

Candidates should apply as a Reapplying Candidate if

  • They failed their previous exam session and it was less than 3 years ago and have not taken the exam more than once in the past.
  • Their eligibility experience and education requirements were completed less than 3 years ago.

Background Checks

Applicants must answer yes or no to a series of background questions in the application. Answering yes to any or all of the questions does not automatically deny eligibility. Applicants that answer yes must submit a narrative for each incident identified by the background questions, including the date and location of the incident, the outcome of any proceedings associated with it, and any penalties/sentencing they incurred. In addition, the applicant must submit copies of official documentation clearly stating that any and all obligations to the court, governing body, etc. have been met, and all penalties and sentences have been fulfilled. Failure to provide the required documentation results in rejection of the application. European Union residents are advised to check applicable criminal record restrictions as mandated by GDPR.

Application Approval

BRPT does not consider approval of an application until ALL the required documents and a complete application are received. The application and required documents should arrive in one submission. The BRPT cannot conjoin application materials if they are sent separately. If the application is incomplete or required documents are missing, BRPT returns the application to the candidate for resubmission. A $50 resubmission fee is required.

If the application is complete and all supporting documentation is received and valid, applicants receive an approval to test notice approximately 10 business days after the BRPT office receives the accurate and complete application packet. Notice of approval to test is sent by email.

Applicant Email

BRPT uses email as its official form of communication. Applicants must supply a valid email address. Applicants should double check that the email provided in the application is valid and accurate. The approval to test and exam confirmation notices are sent to applicants via email. They contain important instructions for contacting Pearson VUE to schedule a testing appointment and for completing a testing session. The notices also identify the time period for which the test schedule and test window are valid.

Candidates who work in organizations that have a high security filter for email messages are strongly encouraged to use their home email to receive the approval to test notice. If an email approval to test notice is not received within 10 business days after submission of the application, applicants should look in their trash or quarantine folders before contacting the BRPT office to investigate.

Applicants who do not have a valid email address should contact the BRPT Executive Office prior to application.

Application Audits

The BRPT randomly audits applications to verify the applicant’s eligibility to take the exam. Audits are conducted prior to granting approval to test. Audits include verification of the accuracy of the application, eligibility pathway selected, approval signatures, and supporting documents. The BRPT auditor may contact the candidate to supply additional information or to clarify questions. If the audit cannot be completed due to inability to verify the accuracy of the application, eligibility pathway, or supporting documents, or the candidate does not provide the additional required documentation as requested, the candidate is declared ineligible. The application fee is returned to the candidate less a $50 administrative fee.

Special Accommodations

“The BRPT complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to try to ensure that otherwise qualified individuals are granted appropriate accommodations so as to permit them to be tested on their true abilities. Applicants requiring special accommodations must complete an ADA accommodations request and submit it with the exam application. Requests for testing accommodations must include documentation from a qualified professional who has provided evaluation or treatment for the candidate of a formally diagnosed and ADA qualified disability. Requests cannot be considered without the required supporting documentation.

Acceptance for Examination

After an application is reviewed and approved for eligibility, an approval to test email is sent by the BRPT. The notice provides the Candidate ID #, the specific time period for which the exam may be taken and contact information to schedule a testing appointment with Pearson VUE.

If an email approval to test notice is not received within 10 business days after submission of an application, applicants should look in their trash or quarantine folders before contacting the BRPT office to investigate.

Scheduling a Test Center Appointment

Approved candidates can schedule an appointment to take the CPSGT exam at their selected testing center on any open date within their approval window. Scheduling of testing appointments is done on a first-come first-served basis directly with Pearson VUE, not BRPT, during their normal operating hours. The earlier a candidate contacts Pearson VUE the better the chance to obtain the preferred exam date, time, and location. Contact information for Pearson VUE is included in the approval to test notice emailed to candidates. The notice also identifies the time period for which the test window is valid.

Pearson VUE generates an email exam confirmation notice within 24 hours of scheduling an appointment. If an email confirmation notice is not received within 24 hours of scheduling with Pearson VUE candidates should look in their trash or quarantine folders before contacting Pearson VUE to investigate.

Candidates are responsible for selecting the location of their testing center. Whenever possible they should travel to the exam site prior to the examination date to avoid getting lost or arriving late on the day of the exam appointment. Late arrivals are NOT permitted to take the exam and are considered no-show candidates.


Canceling an Examination With Refund

Once a testing appointment is made, a candidate may cancel or withdraw from the examination with a full refund less a $50.00 administrative fee. In order to obtain a refund, the candidate must

Call the BRPT office at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled examination appointment.

Cancel the scheduled appointment directly with Pearson VUE at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled examination appointment.

A candidate that does not notify both BRPT and Pearson VUE of withdrawal at least 24 hours prior to a scheduled appointment and does not take the exam is considered a no-show candidate and must pay a $100 No-Show fee.

Extraordinary Circumstances

The BRPT considers a refund or transfer of fees for no-show candidates if they make a request to BRPT in writing within 20 days of the no-show date. The request must include an explanation and supporting documentation of the extraordinary circumstances that lead to the no-show status.

BCLS Expiration

Candidates whose BLS/CPR certification expires before their testing date are not eligible to take the examination until they supply BRPT with documentation of certification renewal. They may reinstate their eligibility to test within their original one year approval to test window once certification is renewed. The candidate must submit a copy of their renewed certification via fax, email, or mail to the BRPT Executive Office along with a written request to reinstate the eligibility window. Applicants receive a new approval to test notice via email with the dates of their reinstated eligibility window.

As a friendly reminder, the BRPT will not accept any life support certifications that were earned online.

The Day of the Examination

Candidates should plan to get a good night of sleep before the exam. They should eat a well-balanced meal prior to reporting to the test center.

Candidates should report to the test center on the day of examination as instructed in the exam confirmation notice they received via email. BRPT recommends that candidates arrive 30 minutes prior to the scheduled exam start time. Candidates have two hours to complete the 75 item exam. There is an optional brief computer based tutorial available at the start of the exam and a short optional computerized survey at the conclusion of the exam. Candidates need to pay attention to time limitations built into the tutorial.

For best results, candidates should pace themselves by periodically checking their progress. This allows them to make necessary time adjustments. The more items answered, the better the chance of achieving a passing score. If a candidate is unsure of a response, they should eliminate as many options as possible and choose an option from those that remain. Candidates are allowed to mark questions for review later in the exam session. There is no penalty for guessing and each item counts as one point. For items with graphics, please note that there is a zoom button that can be used to enlarge the graphic if necessary.

Two Forms of Identification

At check-in candidates must present two forms of unexpired identification that include their signature. The first and last name of the ID must match exactly the first and last name used in the application.

  • One form of identification must be a government-issued photo ID that includes the candidate’s signature (e.g. government-issued passport, drivers license, state issued ID cards, military ID, ID cards issued by the US citizenship and immigration services, international drivers license, etc.). Employment and student ID cards are not accepted in lieu of a government-issued photo ID.
  • The other ID must contain the candidate’s signature, but a photo is not required (e.g. a signed credit/debit card, signed work ID, signed student ID).

Candidates that do not present with the required two forms of identification are not permitted to test and are counted as a no-show candidate. They may reschedule the exam for a different day by contacting the BRPT office and paying a $100 No-Show fee.

Candidates do not need to present their exam confirmation notice at the time of check-in, although they are encouraged to bring it with them.

Confidentiality and Non Disclosure Agreement

Candidates are required to read and agree to a Confidentiality and Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) on the computer screen prior to starting the exam. The test proctor does not inform the candidate of the Non Disclosure Agreement at the beginning of testing. The NDA appears on the computer screen when the test begins. Candidates have 3 minutes to read and agree to the NDA or the testing session is immediately terminated. Please note, the testing proctor at the testing center is not allowed to inform candidates of the requirements of the NDA statement. If the exam is terminated the candidate is considered a no-show candidate. They may reschedule the exam up to one year from the date of the initial payment by contacting BRPT and paying a $100 No-Show fee. The candidate does not have an option to reschedule the exam for the same day. Candidates are encouraged to become familiar with the Confidentiality and Non Disclosure Agreement below so they are ready to accept it when it appears at the beginning of the exam.

BRPT Confidentiality and Non Disclosure Agreement

All candidates will be governed by the policies current at the time of their application for the exam unless otherwise informed by BRPT. Eligibility for and or possession of the CPSGT may be suspended or revoked for any of the following:

  • Obtaining or attempting to obtain credentialing by fraud, deception or artifice.
  • Knowingly assisting another person or other persons in obtaining, or attempting to obtain credentialing by fraud, deception or artifice.
  • Illegal use of a CPSGT certificate or falsification of credentials.
  • Unauthorized possession and/or distribution of any official testing or examination materials.
  • Violation of the BRPT Standards of Conduct.

The BRPT has trademarked the following marks:

  • BRPT
  • Registered Polysomnographic Technologist, Certified Polysomnographic Technician
  • Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists.

All test materials and all publication of the BRPT both printed and electronic are copyrighted. These trademarks and copyrights are protected under US and International law and any unauthorized use of these marks or copyrights are prohibited and violations are subject to prosecution under the applicable laws. In order to use any of these marks or portions of these materials, individuals or organizations must obtain prior approval in writing from the BRPT office.

Late Arrivals

Candidates who arrive for testing after their scheduled examination appointment time are categorized as no-show and are not admitted to the testing center.

No-Show Status

No-show status is assigned to candidates who

  • Arrive late.
  • Do not show up for their scheduled examination appointment.
  • Do not present the required two forms of ID at check-in or the first and last names do not match the application
  • Do not accept the exam NDA within the allocated 3 minute window at the start of the exam.
  • Contact BRPT and/or Pearson VUE to reschedule or postpone a scheduled exam after the required notification deadlines.

No-show candidates may reschedule an exam up to one year from the date of their initial approval to test notice. They must contact BRPT’s Executive Office to reschedule and are required to pay a $100 No-Show fee. No-show candidates are not eligible for an exam refund or transfer of fees. The BRPT may consider a waiver of the reinstatement fee or consider a refund or transfer of fees (less a $50 administrative fee) for extraordinary circumstances if the candidate contacts BRPT within 20 days of the no-show date and supplies an explanation and supporting documentation of the circumstances.

The Test Session

The test center supervisor keeps the official time and ensures that candidates have the full amount of allocated time for the test. Time is displayed on the computer screen and wall clock in each testing center. Restroom breaks are permitted but time in the restroom counts toward the time allotted for the exam.

A calculator is provided in the computer program along with a tutorial on how to use it. Candidates have access to a white dry-erase board to write on during the exam. The exam proctor can provide earplugs or headphones upon request.

Candidates must listen carefully to the instructions provided by the exam monitor and read all test directions thoroughly. Candidates should not ask the test monitor questions concerning the content of the examination.

No test materials, notes, documents or memoranda of any kind may be taken into or removed from the examination room. Secure personal lockers are provided at the testing center for those who need them.

The following are examples of items that are NOT permitted in the examination room. The list is by no means inclusive and candidates should check with the test center supervisor if they have questions.

  • Watches, alarm clocks, electronic devices of any kind
  • Telephones, smart phones, tablets, pagers, or signaling devices
  • Slide rules, papers, dictionaries or reference materials
  • Recording/playback devices of any kind, calculators
  • Photographic or image copying devices, cameras, video recorders, paper, notebooks
  • Excess clothing, caps, hats (except for religious reasons)
  • Food and drink

Violations During Testing

All examination materials are the property of BRPT. Any attempt to reproduce or memorize all or part of the examination is prohibited by law unless written permission is obtained from the BRPT.

The test center supervisor is authorized to immediately dismiss a candidate from the testing facility for any of the following reasons, and the candidate/incident is reported to the BRPT for review and/or legal action. A candidate is immediately dismissed from testing for

  • Unauthorized admission to the test center.
  • Creating a disturbance or giving/receiving help on an exam.
  • Attempting to or removing test materials or notes from the testing room.
  • Attempting to or taking the exam for someone else.
  • Possessing an unauthorized item or product.
  • Exhibiting behavior consistent with memorization or copying of exam items.

Active CPSGTs and RPSGTs may not take the examination. CPSGTs and RPSGTs who apply to take the examination violate the BRPT Standards of Conduct and are subject to professional review.

Candidates who remove or attempt to remove exam materials, including memorizing exam questions or observed cheating in any manner while taking the examination, are subject to professional review and/or legal action. Any time candidates and unauthorized CPSGTs are found in possession of exam materials a professional review occurs as well as possible legal action.

Candidates who violate BRPT testing policies or Standards of Conduct are subject to forfeiture of examination fee, professional review and/or legal action. Sanctions could result in removal of a credential or denial of examination eligibility.

Hazardous Weather/Emergency Closure

In the event of hazardous weather or an unforeseen emergency occurring on the day of an examination, Pearson VUE notifies BRPT of the untoward situation and they jointly determine if circumstances warrant cancellation and subsequent rescheduling of examinations at a particular test center. Pearson VUE makes every effort to keep test centers open but there are occasionally circumstances that may impact their ability to provide testing. Candidates should call Pearson VUE at the 24 hour contact number provided in their exam confirmation notice to determine if a test center is closed for extenuating circumstances on the day of a scheduled test. Candidates are also encouraged to check local radio and television broadcasts for Pearson VUE test center closures. BRPT and Pearson VUE make every attempt to administer examinations as scheduled. However, should an examination be cancelled, scheduled candidates receive notification from Pearson VUE to reschedule the exam date. No additional fees are required to reschedule the exam.

CPSGT Exam Blueprint

A new form of the CPSGT exam went into effect May 1, 2018.  All exam candidates sitting for the CPSGT exam on or after May 1 should review the exam blueprint found below.

The CPSGT examination consists of 75 multiple choice items. Of these, 60 items count toward the candidates’ scores and 15 are pretest items that are not scored.

General Knowledge Required:  Medical terminology, safety, verbal and written communication skills, ethics, patient confidentiality, basic patient care and emergency procedures, basic math skills and basic calculations, basic knowledge of computers.

A Successful Candidate Will Have Basic Knowledge Of:  Sleep apnea and diagnostic criteria, practice parameters for sleep apnea, adult and pediatric testing procedures for sleep apnea, scoring rules, EEG waveform morphology, sleep physiology, respiratory physiology, cardiac physiology, troubleshooting skills, intervention and treatment/CPAP therapy, recognition of need for bilevel therapy and supplemental oxygen.


TASK A:  Review patient information and perform clinical assessment » 15-19%

i. Verify Clinician’s orders and testing indications
ii. History and physical
iii. Medications
iv. Patient interview and orientation
v. Questionnaires

TASK B:  Technical preparation for procedure » 22-26%

i. Equipment and supplies
ii. Montages
iii. Identify anatomically appropriate locations
iv. Site preparation and application
v. Impedance verification and calibrations

TASK C:  Follow procedures and protocols » 30-33%

i. Adult PSG protocols
ii. Pediatric PSG protocols
iii. Daytime testing protocols (e.g., MSLT, MWT)
iv. Home Sleep Apnea Testing (HSAT)

TASK D:  Identify, respond to, and document findings » 26-30%

i. Waveform variations (e.g., abnormal EEG, EKG)
ii. Artifact
iii. Equipment malfunction
iv. Physiologic/clinical events
v. Settings (e.g., filters, sensitivity, gain)


TASK A:  Recognizing physiologic events in adults and pediatrics » 67-78%

i. Sleep stages
ii. Arousals
iii. Respiratory events
iv. Desaturations
v. Movements
vi. Cardiac events

TASK B:  Perform calculations and document observations » 22-33%

i. Formulas (e.g., AHI, sleep latency, TST)
ii. Technician summary


TASK A:  Administer CPAP and bilevel therapy » 80-93%

i. Titration Guidelines
ii. Acclimation and proper interface fit
iii. Troubleshooting intolerance (e.g., interface, pressure, humidification)
iv. Explain importance of therapy

TASK B:  Oxygen therapy » 7-20%

i. Oxygen guidelines

Exam Items

Exam items are presented in a multiple choice format with four options: a, b, c, d. Candidates are to select the one best option. When RECOMMENDED is bolded and highlighted in an exam item, the candidate should consider the best response based on universally recommended guidelines and industry standards (e.g. American Academy of Sleep Medicine Practice Parameters). Individual lab protocols and recommendations by authors may differ subject to interpretation, therefore the candidate should respond to exam items based on industry guidelines and recommended practices when they are available. Familiarity with these standards and guidelines, included in the list of recommended readings, is key to successful preparation for the exam.

All questions on the CPSGT exam related to scoring are referenced to the AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Related Events, Version 2. In addition to the specific scoring rules, the AASM manual contains a wealth of information that is useful and important knowledge for all CPSGT candidates.

Sample Questions

The following sample questions demonstrate the format of exam items. Their content and degree of difficulty do not necessarily reflect the items on the current exam. The correct answers are shown in the Answer Key on page xx.

1. The distance from pre-auricular crease to pre-auricular crease is 35 cm. What is the distance in cm between C3 and Cz?
a. 3.5
b. 7
c. 14
d. 28

2. According to RECOMMENDED guidelines, unattended portable monitoring devices must include:
a. Actigraphy.
b. Blood oxygenation.
c. ECG.
d. One channel of EEG.

3. Which of the following is an example of an electrical artifact?
a. EMG
b. Pulse
c. 50/60 Hz
d. Sweat

4. Which arrhythmia would require activation of the Emergency Response System?
a. Bradycardia
b. Premature ventricular contraction
c. Sinus tachycardia
d. Ventricular fibrillation

5. K complexes and sleep spindles are most prevalent in what stage of sleep?
a. N1
b. N2
c. N3
d. REM

6. What is the minimum duration in seconds of an apnea?
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 20

7. According to RECOMMENDED titration guidelines, CPAP should be increased after observing at least:
a. 2 obstructive apneas.
b. 3 RERAs.
c. 5 hypopneas.
d. 5 minutes of unambiguous snoring

8. Which PAP interface is the BEST option for a patient with a nasal obstruction?
a. Nasal
b. Nasal pillows
c. Nasal with chin strap
d. Oronasal

CPSGT Primary References

Click here for references that can help with preparation for the CPSGT exam.

a-fib Atrial Fibrillation
ABG Arterial Blood Gas
AHI Apnea Hypopnea Index
APAP Auto Positive Airway Pressure
ASV Adaptive Servo-Ventilation
AV Atrioventricular
BMI Body Mass Index
BP Blood Pressure
bpm Beats Per Minute
CABG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
CHF Congestive Heart Failure
cm H2O Centimeters of Water Pressure
CNS Central Nervous System
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
CPAP Continuous positive airway pressure
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
CSA Central Sleep Apnea
ECG Electrocardiogram
EDS Excessive Daytime Sleepiness
EEG Electroencephalogram
EMG Electromyogram
EMR Electronic Medical Record
EOG Electro-oculogram
EPAP Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure
ESS Epworth Sleepiness Scale
EtCO2 End-Tidal CO2
GERD Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder
HFF High Frequency Filter
HSAT Home Sleep Apnea Test
HTN Hypertension
Hz Hertz
IPAP Inspiratory Positive Airway Pressure
LFF Low Frequency Filter
MSLT Multiple Sleep Latency Test
mV Millivolt
mV/cm Millivolts Per Centimeter
MWT Maintenance of Wakefulness Test
NOSS Nocturnal Oximetry Testing
NPPV or NIPPV Noninvasive Positive Pressure Ventilation
NREM Non-Rapid Eye Movement
OAHI Obstructive Apnea Hypopnea Index
OAT Oral Appliance Therapy
OCD Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
ODI Oxygen Desaturation Index
OSA Obstructive Sleep Apnea
OSAS Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
O2 Oxygen
PAC Premature Atrial Contraction
PAP Positive Airway Pressure
PCO2 Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide
PaCO2 Partial Pressure of CO2 in Arterial Blood
PLM Periodic Limb Movement
PLMD Periodic Limb Movement Disorder
PLMS Periodic Limb Movement Syndrome
POSTS Positive Occipital Sharp Transients of Sleep
PSG Polysomnogram
PTSD Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
PVC Premature Ventricular Contraction
RBD REM Sleep Behavioral Disorder
RDI Respiratory Disturbance Index
REM Rapid Eye Movement
RERA Respiratory Effort-Related Arousal
RIP Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography
RLS Restless Leg Syndrome
SDB Sleep Disordered Breathing
SE Sleep Efficiency
SOB Shortness of Breath
SOREM Sleep Onset REM
SOREMP Sleep Onset REM Period
SpO2 Oxyhemoglobin Saturation
SSRI Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor
T&A Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy
TIB Time in Bed
TST Total Sleep Time
UARS Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome
uV Microvolt
uV/mm Microvolts Per Milimeter
V-fib Ventricular fibrillation
V tach Ventricular Tachycardia
WASO Wake After Sleep Onset

Test Scoring and Score Reporting

The examination is designed to assess minimally acceptable knowledge in the duties performed by a Certified Polysomnographic Technician. Pearson VUE, BRPT’s professional testing partner specializing in the development of licensure and certification examinations, provides leadership and statistical consultation for the determination of the passing standard (cut score) of the CPSGT exam. The technique used to establish the cut score for the most recent exam blueprint was the Modified Bookmark Method of standard setting (Lewis, Mitzel, Green, and Patz, 1999). Psychometricians and experts from Pearson VUE provided leadership for the passing point determination and the required materials, instructions, and analysis for a legally defensible passing standard. The BRPT Board of Directors was responsible for the final approval of the cut score of the examination.

Standard Setting

Standard setting is a technique to determine the cut-off test score that corresponds to a minimally competent or qualified CPSGT. The standard setting process uses a committee of subject matter experts (SMEs) who understand the content standards and the measure of difficulty of exam items. The BRPT appoints a panel of SMEs who are representative of the profession in North America and include individuals whose careers and professional qualifications are diverse. Panelists are known to be skilled in the field of Polysomnographic Technology and have knowledge about the professional activities of Certified Polysomnographic Technicians. They undergo training in standard setting by experts from Pearson VUE. The passing score coming out of the standard setting delineates the performance of a passing candidate from a failing candidate and is called the cut score.

A high quality examination must have a defensible passing score. That is, the cut score that separates examinees who pass from those who fail must be determined in a systematic and psychometrically sound way. Generally, only criterion-referenced procedures are accepted in the standards for credentialing examinations because these methods define the minimally acceptable level of competence and evaluate each question in light of minimum competence. Criterion-referenced procedures provide a demonstrable link between the passing standard and public protection.

The Standard setting is a two-step process that first requires SMEs to describe what a minimally competent or qualified CPSGT can be expected to know. This process assumes that there is a theoretical knowledge continuum ranging from insufficient knowledge at one end to fully competent levels of knowledge at the other. The SMEs identify the point on the theoretical continuum that separates the test taker who is minimally competent from one who is not.

In the second step of the standard setting process, participants examine the individual items on a test to translate the knowledge standard into a cut score on the specific exam. The difficulty of individual test items is taken into account during this step. SMEs are required to make informed judgments about the performance of minimally competent test takers on a given set of items. Once this step is complete, the knowledge standard from the theoretical knowledge continuum can be translated into a cut score on an actual exam form.

Answer Key

Item Correct
Domain Task
1. b. 1 C.i.
2. b. 1 E.ii.
3. c. 1 G.i.
4. d. 1 G.iv.
5. b. 2 A.i
6. b. 2 A.iii.
7. a. 3 B.i.
8. d. 3 B.iii.b.

Modified Bookmark Method

In the Modified Bookmark method, SMEs receive an ordered booklet in which items are sequenced by difficulty from easiest to hardest. SMEs review the items beginning with the easiest and decide if two out of three minimally competent candidates would be able to answer the question correctly. The assumption is that the easy items at the beginning of the sequence will be marked “Yes” and there will be a transition period to the more difficult items marked as “No.” The SMEs are asked to place a bookmark within the transition period where the majority of responses change from “Yes” to “No.” The items prior to the bookmark represent the content that the minimally competent candidate is expected to master. After several rounds of bookmarking and discussion guided by the Pearson VUE experts, the final round of bookmark ratings becomes the basis for determining the final passing standard recommendation.

The average bookmark rating across all judges was calculated along with the standard error of the mean (SEM) associated with the calculation of the mean. The variations in judge’s ratings were used to build a confidence interval around the group-recommended cut-off point in order to determine a statistically valid cut score. The passing standard, given on a logit scale, was converted to raw and scaled scores, and represents the average ability level of a minimally competent candidate as derived from the pooled judgments of content experts. A logit is a unit of measure used to report relative differences between estimates of candidate ability and item difficulty. Logits put candidate ability and item difficulty on the same measurement scale.


To ensure the integrity and security of the test, every form of the CPSGT examination consists of a unique combination of items. Thus no two versions of the CPSGT examination are identical and random “electronic scrambling” of test forms routinely occurs. Although different forms of the examination conform to the same content outline and are built to be similar in terms of their difficulty level, they are not precisely equivalent with respect to test difficulty. The BRPT uses equating procedures for determining the passing score for each CPSGT examination to ensure that candidates of comparable proficiency are equally likely to pass the examination regardless of minor fluctuations in overall difficulty level across administrations of the CPSGT examination. Equating is a statistical process that adjusts the minimum passing score for each form of the CPSGT examination to compensate for any fluctuations in difficulty level across the different examination forms. This process is not dependent upon the performance of individual candidates from a particular test group. The passing score is determined by a preset criteria-based performance standard. This method of linear equating ensures that candidates are not rewarded or penalized for different versions of an examination.

Raw and Scaled Scores

The BRPT provides CPSGT candidates with information on their performance on the test by reporting scaled scores. After equating procedures are completed, raw scores (the number of items answered correctly) are mathematically converted to scaled scores that can range from 200 to 500. The scaled score of 350 always represents the minimum passing score. The scale provides a standard way of reporting scores and facilitates comparison of scores on different test forms and for different test takers. Different forms of an exam sample knowledge differently, and the difficulty of the exam may vary slightly from form to form. The minimum raw passing score may differ from one administration to the next because of variations in difficulty level of the examination forms. The scaled score accounts for those differences and a meaningful comparison can be made between individuals. A passing scaled score of 350 is set to be consistent across all administrations. The scaled score that is reported is neither the number of questions answered correctly nor the percentage of questions answered correctly.

Item Pretesting

The CPSGT exam consists of 75 multiple choice items. 60 of the 75 items on the exam count toward a candidate’s score; the remaining 15 are pretest items and are not factored into the score. The pretest items are placed randomly throughout the exam and are not grouped together. The item pretesting process enables BRPT to grow the exam item bank and continue to strengthen the CPSGT exam. The pretesting strategy reflects best practices in standardized test development.

Score Reporting

Test results are immediately available to candidates upon completion of the exam and appear as a pass or fail notice on the testing computer. A Pearson VUE test administrator also prints a more detailed score report for the candidate at the testing center. The score report is final. There is no hand-score or rescore option available for candidates.

Duplicate or Replacement Score Reports

Candidates can request a replacement or additional score report by completing the Replacement Score Report Request. Candidates must submit a $25 fee payable to BRPT with the replacement request. BRPT accepts certified checks, money orders or major credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) but does not accept personal checks.


The BRPT is committed to reporting uncompromised and valid test scores. On rare occasions, circumstances may make test scores invalid. The BRPT reserves the right to cancel or withhold test scores if there is any reason to question their validity. Scores declared invalid and cancelled may be due to suspected or documented misconduct during testing or violation to BRPT Standards of Conduct or policies and procedures. Candidates are expected to cooperate in the investigation of their scores and are notified of procedures to ensure fair treatment. Invalidation may occur due to situations beyond the candidate’s or BRPT’s control such as mistiming or cuing of the exam, incomplete exam delivery. When this occurs retesting is required at no additional cost to the candidate.


There is no waiting period to retest for candidates that fail the CPSGT exam, however, BRPT strongly encourages CPSGT candidates who have failed the exam to review their score reports carefully and focus their study efforts before retesting. Candidates ready to retest must meet current eligibility criteria and submit an application with the required fee. Candidates may not reapply to retake an exam before they complete a scheduled exam. Candidates may re-take the exam only once, for a maximum of two times.

Duration of The CPSGT Certificate

The CPSGT certificate is valid for three years, and cannot be renewed. Within that three year window CPSGTs are expected to earn the RPSGT credential. CPSGTs must meet current eligibility requirements in order to take the RPSGT exam. RPSGT candidates are not required to have the CPSGT credential prior to taking the RPSGT exam. The CPSGT does not serve as a pathway for the RPSGT exam.

Yearly Continuing Education

A commitment to continuing education is a key component of CPSGT certification. CPSGTs must earn and submit to the BRPT a minimum of 10 sleep-focused continuing education credits each year in which they hold the certificate. Continuing education credits must be submitted to BRPT on an annual basis using the online certificant portal available on the BRPT website. CPSGTs must obtain the required number of continuing education credits each year prior to the anniversary of earning their certificate.

If 10 Continuing Education Credits aren’t earned and entered yearly, the credential will become suspended and there isn’t an option to reinstate.

BRPT randomly audits a sampling of CPSGTs for compliance with the annual continuing education requirement. Cases in which it appears that false or misleading information is submitted for purposes of credential maintenance are referred to the BRPT Professional Review Committee. CPSGTs are responsible for maintaining documentation of their continuing education credits in the event that they are audited.

Candidate Grievances

Grievances regarding the application, testing, or scoring processes must be made in writing by mail to the BRPT Executive Director at 4201 Wilson Blvd, 3rd Floor, Arlington VA, 22203, or by electronic mail to [email protected]. Individuals must submit grievances to the BRPT concerning a specific exam administration within 30 business days of the exam date. BRPT does not act upon anonymous grievances. The BRPT Executive Committee reviews the circumstances and nature of the complaint and makes a determination. The complaintant is notified in writing of the determination within 90 days of BRPT’s receipt of the grievance.

CPSGT Certificates

Candidates must make sure that their names appear correctly on the approval to test and exam confirmation notices emailed to them prior to the exam. The name used in the exam application is the name that is printed on the credential certificate and used for the exam approval and confirmation notices. The name used must match the name on the candidate’s identification used at the testing center. Candidates are asked to make corrections (e.g. minor spelling errors, incorrect middle initials) to their names prior to taking the exam and should contact the BRPT office at [email protected] with corrections or changes. The BRPT issues certificates to successful candidates in their legal name.

Duplicate or Replacement Certificates

Name changes to certificates after the initial printing or replacements of lost or damaged certificates are available from The Award Group. Candidates who wish to request a duplicate or replacement certificate should email [email protected]. BRPT will respond with your individual login information to access The Award Group website – www.theawardgroup.com/BRPT.

Replacement and duplicate certificates must be ordered directly through The Award Group website and are $25 each. If a name change is requested, please email [email protected] with proof of name change and your information will be updated with The Award Group. Once your information is updated we will respond with your individual login informa­tion to purchase the new certificate. If a replacement certificate is requested due to an error on the part of BRPT, the replacement certificate is issued at no charge, as long as the certificant notifies BRPT at [email protected].

A notarized copy of official or certified documentation supporting a certificate name change request (e.g. a notarized copy of a marriage certificate) must be included with the request for a new or replacement certificate. Certificate change requests received without official documentation are not processed and are returned to candidates.

Name/Address Updates

The BRPT issues certificates and registers successful candidates in their legal name. Candidates who legally change their name must notify the BRPT in writing as soon as possible. Legal name change updates must include a copy of official or certified documentation supporting the name change (e.g. a notarized copy of a marriage certificate). Requests for name change received without official documentation are not processed.

Candidates are responsible for updating within the Portal, or notifying the BRPT of any changes to their name or contact information as soon as possible to ensure that all notices, records, score reports and certificates are received.  The BRPT uses email as our primary form of communication.

Certificant Online Profile

Certificants are responsible for maintaining current contact information in their BRPT online certificant profile. They are responsible for periodically reviewing and updating their online certificant profile that is accessible from the BRPT website. Instructions for accessing the certificant profile are mailed to candidates after they pass the exam.

BRPT does not sell or rent certificant mailing lists or contact information. BRPT and its employees, agents and contractors may contact certificants by US Mail, electronic mail, facsimile or through other media on matters which the BRPT believes may be of importance or interest to certificants. To be removed from the BRPT mailing list certificants MUST contact the BRPT office by letter or email to request removal from the BRPT mailing list.

Verification of Credentials

Certificant verification is available on our Primary Source Verification Directory. The information provided includes name, certification number, and certification/recertification dates and status. The contents of the BRPT online directory are the property of the BRPT and intended for verification purposes only. Certificants who do not wish to have their information included in the online verification directory MUST contact the BRPT office by letter or email to request that their name be removed from the online directory. BRPT will, however, verify an individual’s credentials upon receipt of an authorized request submitted through the Self Service Portal along with a $25.00 fee.  Verification Letters can be sent to Employers and/or State Licensure Boards, but cannot be sent to the Credential Holder directly.

Logo Items

The BRPT provides a limited selection of BRPT logo items on the BRPT website store at www.brpt.org.

About BRPT

BRPT Mission Statement

The mission of The Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists is to build upon its history as the global leader in sleep technologist credentialing and certification; to provide high quality sleep technology products and services that inspire professional excellence, recognition, and lifelong learning; and to create long-term value for credential and certificate holders.

BRPT Vision Statement

The organization recognized around the world for the highest standards in sleep credentialing, certification and education.

Statement of Nondiscrimination

The BRPT does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, religion, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation or on any basis that would consititue illegal discrimination.


BRPT volunteers, contractors, and staff are required to uphold the confidentiality of applicant and certificant information and communications. All personal data including applications, payments, scores and contact information maintained by the BRPT or BRPT testing vendor is considered confidential and stored in a protected electronic or hard copy format. Access is limited to essential and authorized individuals.

Professional Review

The BRPT requires CPSGT certificants and applicants to abide by the current BRPT Standards of Conduct and policies and procedures. Complaints regarding potential violations should be reported to BRPT using the Professional Review Complaint Form found here.

The Professional Review Committee (PRC) reviews matters regarding potential violations of the BRPT Standards of Conduct and policies and procedures, such as falsification of applications and fraudulent use of the credential. To initiate a complaint, the Professional Review Complaint Form must be completed in its entirety, signed, and submitted to BRPT to the attention of the Professional Review Committee Chair. Complaints are held in confidence by the BRPT. They must include reasonable documentation in support of the complaint. The BRPT does not act upon anonymous complaints. The PRC reviews complaints to determine whether an inquiry should be initiated under its authority, and acts accordingly. The BRPT Board of Directors is responsible for approving sanctions, if any, recommended by the PRC.

Standards of Conduct for Certified Polysomnographic Technicians

I. Preamble

1.1 Introduction

The Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (“BRPT”) is a nonprofit corporation that provides board certification and recertification for sleep technologists and technicians who perform polysomnography and related procedures, score and process data; and initiate and monitor associated therapeutic interventions. BRPT is an independent organization, governed by a Board of Directors (the “Board”) that includes a diverse group of experts in sleep technology.

For the purposes of these Standards of Conduct (the “Standards”), the term “Committee” shall mean the BRPT Professional Discipline Committee. The term “Profession” shall mean the field of sleep technology. “CPSGT Certificant” shall mean any person who has been awarded or has applied for the Certified Polysomnographic Technician certification by BRPT.

BRPT seeks to encourage, establish and maintain the highest standards, traditions and principles of sleep technologists and technicians. CPSGT Certificants should recognize their responsibilities, not only to their patients, but also to society, to other health care professionals and to themselves. CPSGT Certificants are responsible for maintaining and promoting ethical practice. All CPSGT Certificants shall abide by BRPT’s Standards, Rules and Procedures Regarding Ethical and Professional Discipline Complaints (“Rules and Procedures”), and all other BRPT rules, policies and procedures. BRPT may take disciplinary action against any individual who fails to meet these requirements. Such disciplinary action may include, but not be limited to, sanctions suspending or revoking an CPSGT Certificant’s certification, or declaring an CPSGT Certificant candidate ineligible for certification.

1.2 Ethics, Custom, Competency and the Law

Unethical conduct may involve violations of customs and usages of the Profession as well as actions that violate the law. All CPSGT Certificants shall provide competent services and shall use all efforts to meet patient’s sleep technology requirements. Failure to conform to these Standards, including conduct that violates moral principles, customs and practices of the profession or the law, shall be subject to disciplinary action as set forth in the Rules and Procedures. The CPSGT Certificant shall act in the best interests of the patient at all times. Failure to conform to these Standards, including conduct that violates moral principles, customs and practices of the Profession or the law, shall be subject to disciplinary action and ultimate determination by the adjudicative authority as established in the Rules and Procedures. Such disciplinary action depends upon the particular circumstances involved and how the conduct in question reflects upon the dignity and integrity of the Profession.

Depending upon the circumstances, the Committee will take appropriate action, if any, consistent with the Rules and Procedures. Each CPSGT Certificant has a civic and professional obligation to report to the appropriate governmental body any and all evidence that may come to his/her attention involving the alleged criminal conduct of any CPSGT Certificant relating to the practice of sleep technology.

1.3 Disclosure of Other Agency Actions

Each CPSGT Certificant must promptly, fully and accurately disclose to BRPT any and all findings and actions by any government agency, quasi-government agency, licensing board or other similar health-related agency or body responsible for national, state or local licensing and/or oversight of health or other sleep technology licenses, certifications or the like (“Other Agencies”). Each CPSGT Certificant must make such disclosure within thirty (30) days from the date of action by any Other Agency. Each CPSGT Certificant must promptly and fully cooperate with BRPT and with Other Agencies.

II. Responsibilities to the Patient

2.1 Confidential Information

All information relating to a patient’s background, condition, treatment or management plan or any other information relating to the CPSGT Applicant/ Certificant/patient relationship is and shall always remain confidential and may not be communicated to any third party not involved in the patient’s care without the prior written consent of the patient or patient’s legal guardian.

All patient information derived in a workplace from a working relationship among CPSGT Certificants relating to any patient shall be held and always remain confidential by all parties. The confidentiality requirements set forth in this Section 2.1 shall be strictly adhered to by all CPSGT Certificants unless the information is required by court order or it becomes necessary to disclose such information to protect the welfare of the patient and/or the community. In such an event, all disclosures of confidential information shall be in accordance with applicable legal requirements.

2.2 Trust and Honesty

The CPSGT Certificant shall be truthful and honest to the patient, the BRPT, their employer and the public in general.

2.3 Fees and Compensation

Fees for sleep technology services should be reasonable for the services performed, taking into consideration the setting in which the services are provided, the practice costs in the geographic area, the judgment of other related or similar organizations, and other relevant factors. The CPSGT Certificant shall never place his/her own financial interest above the welfare of the patient. The CPSGT Certificant shall not engage in false, misleading or deceptive actions in relation to the ultimate cost of the services undertaken or furnished. The CPSGT Certificant shall not knowingly submit false or misleading information in requesting reimbursement from third-party payers, including the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and private insurers.

2.4 Practice Arrangements

CPSGT Certificants shall not: (i) directly or indirectly request, receive or participate in dividing, transferring, assigning or rebating any funds derived from a referral of a patient to any other individual or entity, whether affiliated with the CPSGT Certificant or otherwise; or (ii) except for the reasonable and customary fees earned for services performed for the patient, profit by means of a credit or other valuable consideration, such as an unearned commission, discount or gratuity for providing sleep technology services.

2.5 Compliance with Laws and Regulations

CPSGT Certificants shall provide evaluation and therapeutic intervention in accordance with the laws and regulations of the jurisdictions in which they practice.

2.6 Reporting

The CPSGT Certificant shall report to BRPT any conduct that appears to violate these Standards.

2.7 Delegation of Responsibility

The CPSGT Certificant shall not delegate any responsibility requiring unique skills, knowledge or judgment that compromises patient care and safety to a less than qualified person. The primary responsibility for sleep technology care performed by supporting personnel rests with the delegating CPSGT Certificant. Adequate supervision is required to make certain the patient receives the necessary and appropriate care.

2.8 Public Communication

CPSGT Certificants shall not use, nor participate in any use of, any form of communication containing a false, fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, unfair or sensational statement or claim. CPSGT Certificants shall not provide any consideration to any member of the press, radio or television, or other communication medium in exchange for professional publicity in a news item. Each advertisement shall be identified as an advertisement unless it is absolutely clear from the context that it is a paid advertisement.

2.9 Illegal Discrimination

The CPSGT Certificant shall not decline to accept a patient on the basis of race, gender, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin or on any basis that would constitute illegal discrimination.

2.10 Sexual Relations with Patient Prohibited

The CPSGT Certificant shall not have consensual or nonconsensual sexual relations with a current or former patient of the CPSGT Certificant unless a consensual sexual relationship existed between the CPSGT Certificant and the patient prior to the provision of any sleep technology services or the CPSGT Certificant has not provided any sleep technology services to the patient for the one-year period preceding the beginning of the sexual relationship. The CPSGT Certificant shall not engage in, require, or demand sexual relations with a patient incidental to or as a condition of any sleep technology services.

2.11 Sexual Relations with Key Third Parties Prohibited

The CPSGT Certificant shall not have consensual or nonconsensual sexual relations with a Key Third Party when such relations are based on the use or exploitation of trust, knowledge, influence or emotions derived from a professional relationship. A “Key Third Party” is a person who is closely related to the patient and shall include, but is not limited to, spouses or partners, parents, guardians, surrogates and proxies. Each matter shall be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Factors to be considered shall include: (i) the length of the professional relationship; (ii) the degree of the Key Third Party’s emotional dependence on the CPSGT Certificant; and (iii) the importance of the clinical encounter to the Key Third Party and the patient.

III. Responsibilities To Colleagues and The Profession

3.1 Dignity

The CPSGT Certificant has the personal responsibility to conduct himself/herself in a manner that will assure the dignity and status of the Profession. Examples of unacceptable behavior include, but are not limited to, misusing the certification credential; slandering or libeling another; disparaging former employers; disparaging former employees; and misrepresenting one’s capacity as a provider of services.

3.2 Solicitation

The CPSGT Certificant shall not, either directly or indirectly, solicit the patronage of individual patients by way of intimidation, threats, harassing conduct, undue influence, coercion, duress, unwarranted promises of benefits or solicitation of a patient who is apparently in a mental condition that impairs his/her personal judgment to make decisions concerning the products or services being offered. The CPSGT Certificant shall not solicit a patient in a manner that is inconsistent with his/her obligation to act in a dignified manner as set forth in Standard 3.1 above.

3.3 Examination

The CPSGT Certificant shall maintain the security and prevent the disclosure of CPSGT credentialing examinations and their content.

IV. Patient Care By Other Healthcare Professionals

4.1 Concern About Care by Other Healthcare Professionals

The CPSGT Certificant should exercise appropriate respect for other healthcare professionals. Except in the case of emergencies, concerns regarding patient care provided by other such professionals shall be addressed directly to those professionals rather than to the patient. If such concerns rise to the level of criminal violation, incompetence or malpractice, the CPSGT Certificant must immediately notify appropriate facility management and/or authorities.

V. Credential

5.1 Use of Credential

The CPSGT Certificant shall use the fact that they are credentialed only as evidence of meeting the requisite standard of knowledge and competency in the Profession as defined by the BRPT.

Trademarks and Copyrights

The BRPT has trademarked both in the USA and internationally the following marks:

  • BRPT
  • Registered Polysomnographic Technologist
  • Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists

In addition, all test materials and all publications of the BRPT both printed and electronic are copyrighted. These trademarks and copyrights are protected under US and International law. Any unauthorized use of these marks or copyrights are prohibited and violations are subject to prosecution under the applicable laws. In order to use any of these marks or portions of these materials individuals or organizations must obtain prior approval in writing from the BRPT office.

The BRPT’s Position On Education

Sleep medicine is a recognized medical subspecialty comprised of multiple, diverse medical disciplines and encompasses a distinct set of knowledge, skills and abilities. Polysomnography is the measurement of sleep and physiological parameters during sleep for the evaluation of sleep disorders.

Technologists who conduct polysomnographic studies are trained in:

  • Neurophysiology of sleep and wakefulness;
  • Cardiorespiratory anatomy and physiology;
  • Pathophysiology of sleep disorders and related comorbidities;
  • Instrumentation and methodologies required for accurate collection and analysis of sleep data;
  • The recognition of patient and emergency situations; and,
  • The initiation and monitoring of treatment intervention.

Polysomnographic evaluation of sleep includes the collection and scoring/analysis of physiologic sleep data and the use of appropriate therapeutic interventions such as positive airway pressure and supplemental oxygen. Personnel trained to perform polysomnographic testing come from various allied health fields including sleep technology, respiratory care, neurodiagnostic technology and nursing.

The Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (BRPT) supports:

  • The promotion of polysomnographic (sleep) technology as a recognized allied health profession.
  • The establishment of high educational standards and professionalism through training, achieving and sustaining certification, and life-long learning.
  • Ensuring an adequate supply of well-trained technologists to meet the current and projected needs of the sleep medicine field.

The BRPT’s Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) credential was first awarded in 1979 and is recognized internationally as the “gold standard” in sleep technology. The credential distinguishes those technologists who have received training in sleep medicine and subsequently passed the RPSGT examination. Accepted education and training avenues include formal polysomnography training programs, programs that provide comprehensive polysomnographic technology education in conjunction with another allied health program (such as Respiratory Therapy or Neurodiagnostics) or practical work experience under the direction of a qualified sleep specialist paired with core education requirements.

In March 2010 the BRPT launched the Certified Polysomnographic Technician (CPSGT) examination, intended for individuals new to a career in sleep. Like the RPSGT credential, the CPSGT is awarded based on education, training, and successful completion of the CPSGT examination. The CPSGT credential is valid for up to three years, cannot be renewed, and requires the holder to earn 10 continuing education credits each year in which the certification is held. CPSGTs are expected to work consistently toward earning the RPSGT credential.

Additionally, the BRPT offers a Clinical Sleep Educator (CSE) certificate program, which awards qualifying participants with an assessment-based certificate as a Clinical Sleep Educator.

The BRPT Board of Directors’ priorities in the administration and management of the RPSGT and CPSGT certification programs are to ensure long-term viability of the programs through current, statistically valid and fair exams that are respected among stakeholders through rigorous eligibility requirements. These priorities have been integrated into the BRPT strategic plan and are the cornerstones of the organization. The RPSGT credential is accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), considered the gold standard in credential certification.

The BRPT provides, as public information, an exam blueprint and list of primary reference materials for both the RPSGT and the CPSGT exams. The exam blueprint is developed based on the results of a job task analysis, conducted periodically to assure that the exam content reflects the current responsibilities of a working sleep technician or technologist as well as the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform those responsibilities. The most recent job task analysis was conducted in 2012 and included a comprehensive survey of working sleep technologists and technicians. RPSGT and CPSGT exams are built against the current exam blueprints.

The BRPT is committed to facilitating appropriate preparation of candidates for the RPSGT and CPSGT exams. BRPT provides examination preparatory materials, including candidate handbooks for both exams, a study guide for the RPSGT exam and online RPSGT practice exams. It operates within the guidelines established by the organizational accrediting body, the National Commission for Certifying Agencies. As a credentialing body, BRPT’s mission is to create educational materials to assist candidates and to promote life-long learning by its credential holders. The education materials and offerings created by BRPT are not exclusively required for exam eligibility or recertification. Instead, BRPT accepts and supports educational opportunities available to candidates and credential holders from all reputable sources.

The BRPT does not accredit educational programs. The BRPT does, however, recognize those stand-alone polysomnography programs and polysomnography add-on programs that are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) and polysomnography add-on programs accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC). A list of these accredited polysomnography and polysomnography add-on programs can be found at www.caahep.org, www.coarc.com and on the BRPT website, www.brpt.org. Through the BRPT’s Sleep Technology Approved Resource (STAR) Program, alternative education programs are reviewed and approved exclusively for exam eligibility; these programs receive the STAR designation specific to their educational format. The STAR designation does not apply to CAAHEP or CoARC accredited education programs, but to education programs that are alternatives to the CAAHEP or CoARC accredited education. BRPT strongly encourages its STAR programs to seek CAAHEP or CoARC accreditation, the highest standard for polysomnography technology education. More information on the STAR program can be found at www.brpt.org.

Request For BRPT Special Examination Accommodations

BRPT Announces Open Position for Board of Directors for 2025 CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: 2025 ASTEP/STAR GRANT PROGRAM The BRPT Names Steve Glinka President-Elect of The Board Of Directors