Celebrating An Important Milestone

By Jessica Schmidt, MA, FACHE, RPSGT, CCSH
BRPT President

This year will be a momentous one for the BRPT. First of all, it’s the 40th anniversary of our organization! The BRPT started as a small group of professionals who travelled the country to administer the RPSGT exam on location and with practical components. As the organization grew, it cemented its place in the field of sleep technology by launching additional credentialing exams, offered on demand with real time results, and numerous educational programs to support the profession.

I am fortunate to lead an outstanding group of Directors whose talents have helped launch and grow the CCSH credential and advance many areas of the profession (e.g. inpatient screening, physician collaboration, cutting-edge technological integration, clinical research, and outcomes-based compliance programs). We look forward to a year of renewed collaborations with our sister organizations including a strong presence at, and support for, the AAST’s annual meeting in Indianapolis this September.

We’ve made recent investments in our staffing to assure timely turnaround of applications, recertifications, and general inquiries. My fellow Directors and I will be publishing additional blogs in the coming months and we look forward to hearing from our credential holders on how we can best serve you and the profession as we enter a new era.

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