CCSH Practice Exam

The online practice exam features questions similar in type to those that will be found on the CCSH examination. The practice exam was designed using the same exam blueprint as the CCSH exam. (Purchase of the Study Guide is optional and not a requirement to take the exam.)

The practice exam is best taken using a high-speed Internet connection, such as DSL or cable. The cost of the practice exam is $55.00. The exam consists of 45 questions. Candidates have 3 hours to take the exam. If they get disconnected or pause the exam they have 48-hours to restart it or the assignment is terminated. You cannot reenter your practice exam once you have submitted it for scoring. Feedback is provided on individual answers, and your results will include your score.

Taking the practice exam is an excellent way to familiarize yourself with the format of the CCSH exam, and to become more comfortable with computer-based testing. We believe the exam is an excellent tool for a candidate preparing to sit the the CCSH exam. However, performance on the practice exam cannot be considered predictive of performance on the actual exam.

To protect the exam process, we cannot provide you with either a printable version of your answers to questions on the practice exam or a printable version of the practice exam itself.

The CCSH practice exam is administered by TesTrac. For technical support please contact [email protected].

We wish you the best of luck on the CCSH exam!

To access the practice exam through our testing partner, TesTrac, click here.

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