BRPT Awards And Recognizes RPSGT #20,000

This month, the BRPT reached an important milestone awarding RPSGT #20,000. Since awarding the first RPSGT credential in 1979, the field of sleep technology has grown a tremendous amount and has established itself as an integral component of sleep medicine. Sleep disorders are more widely recognized and understood by the general public; use of technology and treatment options have expanded and so too has the role of the sleep technologist. It’s an exciting time for the profession and BRPT sat down with one of its newest RPSGTs: RPSGT 20,000 Lucila San Jose from Garrett Park, Maryland who recently completed Montgomery College’s CAAHEP program before sitting for and passing the RPSGT exam in September.

Excerpts from a conversation with Lucila San Jose, RPSGT

My background is in psychology and research. I worked at the National Institutes of Health for a number of years on projects that involved brain, speech and communication research. This is where my love of sleep developed. It’s fascinating to understand the impact sleep has on our bodies as a whole – from our immune system to how we code memories. It’s amazing how sleep plays such a vital role.

I feel so lucky to have already found a job as an RPSGT. Later this month, I will begin work at the sleep lab at Holy Cross Hospital where I’ll work nights. During my clinical rotations, I discovered the best way to prepare for the night shift is to not only prepare my room to make it day-time sleep friendly but to prepare my family.

The one thing I’ve really learned through this journey (participating in the CAAHEP program and preparing for the RPSGT exam) is that you have to be committed to the field and it helps to have a thirst for knowledge – staying on top of current trends and new developments really helped me understand sleep better. In terms of preparing for the exam, of course I studied hard and spent time reviewing the references and blueprint, but I also approached the questions as if I were in the lab. If I were conducting this PSG how would I troubleshoot this issue?

This is a great field with a terrific future because our health depends on how we sleep at night and because there is still much we don’t know – I only see room for growth and expansion. I’m honored to be an RPSGT and I can’t wait to get started and to contribute to this great community.

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