BRPT Announces RPSGT Examination Eligibility Change; Adds New Pathway

BRPT Announces RPSGT Examination Eligibility Change; Adds New Pathway

The BRPT recently announced one change to its eligibility requirements: Under RPSGT Pathway 3 (CAAHEP/CoARC Graduate) BRPT removed the requirement that the education program be completed within a 3-year period prior to taking the exam. For more on the different Pathways go here.

In addition, BRPT added a new pathway — RPSGT Pathway 6: Expired Credential. This new pathway is for candidates whose RPSGT credential expired in the past 1-5 years. Credentials expiring less than one year after the recertification date continue to fall under reinstatement options outlined in the Recertification manual. To be eligible for Pathway 6, RPSGT applicants must submit proof of 50 continuing education credits within the last 5 years, current BCLS certification, and previous credential number with an expiration date within 1-5 years. There are no additional education or experience requirements for this pathway.

A Note About Recertification and Expired Credentials

If recertification is not complete on or before your credential expiration date and you have not applied for and received a 90-day extension, your credential expires and becomes inactive. You may no longer use the RPSGT designation. The RPSGT credential may be reinstated within 90 days of expiration by submitting the required documentation, $200 reinstatement fee, and $100 recertification fee. After 90 days, expired credentials can be reinstated for up to one year by submitting the required documentation, current exam fee, $200 reinstatement fee, and $100 recertification fee, AND sitting for and passing the RPSGT exam. After 1 year and up to 5 years of credential expiration, expired credentials can be reinstated by retaking and passing the RPSGT examination through exam eligibility Pathway 6.

After 5 years, expired credentials cannot be reinstated. To earn the RPSGT credential, you need to meet exam eligibility requirements in place at the time of application, pay all fees, and successfully pass the exam. You will no longer be able to retain your previous credential number.

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