BRPT Announces Initial Testing Window for CCSH Exam

Applications Will Be Accepted April 1-30, Exam Must Be Taken May 1-29

McLean, VA – March 19, 2014 –The Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (BRPT) announced the initial testing window for the Certification In Clinical Sleep Health (CCSH) examination, which will take place May1 through May 29. Applications will be available on April 1 at; the application window for the initial May exam will close at 5:00 pm EDT on April 30, 2014. Examinations must be taken May 1 – 29, 2014.

Following the initial testing window, the exam will not be available again until August 2014 to allow the BRPT and its testing partner Pearson VUE, to conduct the standard setting. The standard setting is the methodology used to determine the cut score – or passing score – that corresponds to a qualified CCSH specialist. Exam results for this first group of test takers will not be available until completion of the standard setting and psychometric evaluation by BRPT and Pearson VUE. Candidates taking the examination during the initial exam window in May should expect up to a 4-month delay before receiving exam results.

“We are thrilled to offer this first administration of the CCSH exam,” said BRPT President Theresa Krupski, RPSGT, RRT. “This was an incredible effort led by the Exam Development Committee, our team of subject matter experts, psychometricians and BRPT board members, all of whom worked tirelessly to bring this exam to fruition. The standard setting, a critical component of the test development process, is the final step in offering an exam according to best credentialing practices.”

The standard setting process is facilitated by experts from Pearson VUE and is comprised of SMEs who understand the content standards and the measure of difficulty of test questions. SMEs are representative of the profession in North America and include individuals whose careers and professional qualifications are diverse, are skilled in the area of clinical sleep health, and have knowledge about the professional activities of CCSH specialists.

Said BRPT Immediate Past President Cindy Altman, RPSGT, R. EEG/EP T., “We are delighted to see such a tremendous amount of interest in the CCSH exam and credential, which will further establish this new area of expertise.”

Altman added, “It’s important to remember that this is an advanced-level examination that encompasses a broad area of knowledge and is designed for individuals with experience in healthcare, patient education and management. As such, candidates should prepare accordingly.” The CCSH Candidate Handbook is an important resource and will be available on the BRPT website by April 1.

A Chance To Win $1,000

The BRPT will conduct a drawing at the end of each week in May for this initial testing window. All applicants who sit for the exam that week will be eligible to win $1,000. “This is an exciting time for our profession,” added Krupski. “This drawing is a fun way to say thank you to this inaugural group of test takers who won’t receive exam results immediately after testing, but are eager to expand their scope of work and level of expertise in this evolving healthcare environment.”

Eligibility Pathways

  • CCSH Pathway 1: Clinical Experience. For candidates with at least 1000 hours of experience in clinical sleep health AND a bachelor’s degree or above.
  • CCSH Pathway 2: Healthcare Credential. For candidates with an approved healthcare credential or license AND an associate’s degree or above.
  • CCSH Temporary Pathway: CSE Certificate. For candidates with a BRPT-issued Clinical Sleep Educator Certificate AND a current healthcare credential or license. This pathway is only available through June 30, 2016.
    For more detail on the eligibility pathways, please click here.

Pathways 1 and 2
CCSH Exam Fee: $450.00 (U.S.)

Temporary CSE Pathway available through June 30, 2016
CCSH Exam Fee: $300.00 (U.S.)

Preparing For The CCSH Examination

Candidates are advised this is an advanced-level exam. It was developed for experienced healthcare practitioners in the field of sleep medicine. To prepare for the CCSH exam, candidates should consider using a sampling of text books, clinical guidelines, practice parameters, and key articles relating to the major exam domains. In general, educational materials should focus on evaluation and management of sleep disorders; pathophysiology, epidemiology, and clinical presentation; patient education and communication; sleep health and hygiene; normal sleep over the lifespan; and public health issues relating to sleep. Candidates should review the exam blueprint for guidance on knowledge areas and specific topics covered on the exam. They should be prepared to apply their knowledge to clinical situations to demonstrate critical thinking skills. To review a list of primary references, please click here.

CCSH Exam Blueprint

To develop the CCSH examination, a diverse group of survey respondents were used to determine the tasks required for competent job performance for the Clinical Sleep Health specialist. The initial job task analysis (JTA) was conducted in the summer of 2013. The results of the 2013 JTA were used to develop the exam and are reflected in the CCSH Exam Blueprint.

On Demand Testing/Initial Exam Window

The earlier an application is submitted in April the better the chance of obtaining the preferred exam date, time and location for testing during the initial exam window in May. Scheduling of testing appointments is done directly with Pearson VUE and is on a first-come, first-served basis. All testing must be completed by May 29th, when the initial exam window closes. The exam will remain closed until a new exam window opens a few months later after which point the CCSH examination will be offered on demand with immediate test results.

About BRPT

The BRPT develops and administers credentialing exams for polysomnographic technologists and technicians. The RPSGT is respected worldwide as the leading credential for polysomnographic technologists. Since the first credentialing exam administration in 1979, BRPT has credentialed more than 20,000 RPSGTs worldwide. In 2012, BRPT launched its Clinical Sleep Educator (CSE) Program, offering an assessment-based certificate to qualifying individuals. At the end of 2013, BRPT announced the development of the Certification In Clinical Sleep Health (CCSH) exam, an advanced credentialing examination for healthcare providers who work directly with sleep medicine patients, families and practitioners to coordinate and manage patient care, improve outcomes, educate patients and the community, and advocate for the importance of good sleep. The Certification in Clinical Sleep Health (CCSH) exam will be offered for the first time in May 2014.

Headquartered in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, the BRPT is an independent, non-profit certification board that cultivates the highest professional and ethical standards for polysomnographic technologists. In addition to administering the RPSGT, CPSGT and CCSH exams in the United States and internationally, the BRPT also maintains the RPSGT registry and CPSGT roster. The BRPT also provides its Continuing Sleep Technology Education (CSTE) Program for educational providers seeking continuing education credits for their offerings. For more information, please visit

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