BRPT Congratulates Bernie Chalmers on Receiving the President’s Shining Star Award

At its recent Board meeting, BRPT President Steve Marquis, MBA, RPSGT, CCSH awarded Bernie Chalmers, MA the 2021 BRPT President’s Shining Star Award for his dedication and outstanding service to the organization. Bernie serves as the Public Member on the BRPT Board of Directors.

Said Marquis, “I’m thrilled to recognize Bernie with the Shining Star Award. We’ve been so fortunate to have Bernie serving as our Public Member for the past seven years. His contributions have been many over the years including working closely with both the Finance Committee and the Nominating Committee. His expertise in business and human resources have been monumental in what we’ve been able to accomplish these past few years. People like Bernie don’t come along very often.”

The BRPT is led by an active, engaged volunteer Board of Directors comprised of experts in the field of polysomnography and includes at least one “public” member representing the interests of the consumer / patient community. The Board is international in scope and blends the expertise of technologists and physicians to establish and maintain credentialing guidelines for clinical sleep health professionals.

Bernie obtained an MA (cum laude) in psychology from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. In addition to starting three boutique consultancies, he was part owner of the largest Human Resource consulting business in Southern Africa. He specialized in organization development with a focus on affirmative action and conflict management. He moved to Canada in 1991 and has worked as President or Managing Director in multinational companies based in the UK and Canada. Currently he is semi-retired and his management consulting company, BEREV Ltd., works with companies in the US and Canada. He served as President and remains an Honorary Fellow of what is now the Institute of People Management (South Africa). He also served on the Council of the South African Psychological Association.

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