BRPT Announces Open Position for Board of Directors for 2024

The Nominating Committee for Board of Director (BOD) positions is pleased to announce an opening for a Director position to begin at the end of February 2024.


Nominations will be accepted up to January 5, 2024 for discussion during the BOD meeting on February 24, 2024. All applications for the Director position will be submitted to the committee Chair and forwarded to the Nominating Committee. Directors will be elected to serve for four years. A person being nominated must agree to the nomination. Self-nominations will NOT be accepted.

Applicants for a Director position must submit (1) a letter of intent of up to 500 words, (2) their resume, (3) the names and contact details of two professional references, to the Chair of the Nominating Committee for review by January 5, 2024. International credential holders and people with volunteer experience on one of the BRPT committees or local professional societies are encouraged to apply.  Please note, applicants must be currently practicing or teaching in the field of sleep medicine.

Email submissions with the subject line BOD Nomination to:

BRPT President-Elect Amber Allen [email protected]

About the BRPT Board of Directors

The BRPT Board of Directors is comprised of volunteer members, all of whom serve four-year terms. The Board is international in scope and blends the expertise of the sleep community representing the interests of the consumer, patients, educators, sleep technologists and physicians.

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