Pursuing The CPSGT Certification Is The Perfect Start For Those New To Sleep

The sleep profession is a vibrant and growing field with many new and exciting opportunities for sleep health professionals. If you’re new to sleep, earning the CPSGT certification is an excellent first step on this career path.

Since the first RPSGT credentialing exam administration in 1979, the BRPT has credentialed more than 20,000 RPSGTs worldwide. The RPSGT is the internationally-recognized leading credential for sleep technologists. The CPSGT exam is an entry level exam; earning the CPSGT certification is a terrific way to build a foundation and begin your career in sleep technology.

The CPSGT certificate program reflects a commitment to competency-based testing early in your career. The CPSGT certification is time-limited so certificate holders must take the next step and earn the RPSGT credential within three years or you’ll lose the CPSGT designation.

What You’ll Need To Know
General knowledge required includes medical terminology, safety, verbal and written communication skills, ethics, patient confidentiality, basic patient care and emergency procedures, basic math skills and basic calculations, basic knowledge of computers.

A successful candidate will have basic knowledge of the following: sleep apnea and diagnostic criteria, practice parameters for sleep apnea, adult and pediatric testing procedures for sleep apnea, scoring rules, EEG waveform morphology, sleep physiology, respiratory physiology, cardiac physiology, troubleshooting skills, intervention and treatment/CPAP therapy, recognition of need for bilevel therapy and supplemental oxygen.

The CPSGT exam is computer based and consists of 75 multiple choice questions; candidates have two hours to complete the test. The CPSGT exam is offered on-demand with immediate test results.

Know The Exam Blueprint
The CPSGT exam is comprised of three Domain areas:
• Domain 1: Sleep Study Preparation and Performance
• Domain 2: Sleep Physiology Recognition and Summary
• Domain 3: Therapeutic Treatment and Intervention

Click here to view the exam blueprint: https://www.brpt.org/cpsgt/exam-blueprint/cpsgt-blueprint-through-4-30-2018/

There are 3 different eligibility pathways for the CPSGT exam. Review the three options below and decide which one is best for you!

CPSGT Pathway 1: Clinical Experience. For candidates with a minimum of three months of clinical experience in polysomnography, and who have completed a STAR-designated Self-Study education program.

CPSGT Pathway 2: CAAHEP/CoARC Student. For students within 2 months of graduation from, or graduates of, a CAAHEP or CoARC-accredited polysomnography technology education program.

CPSGT Pathway 3: Focused Training. For candidates who have completed STAR-designated Focused education, or a combination of Self-Study and Focused 2 education.

Preparing For The CPSGT Exam
The BRPT is committed to helping you succeed in your career. We have assembled the materials listed below to assist you in preparing for your exam in terms of the types of questions you will see on your test, as well as the skills you’ll need to know to pass. Preparing for test day is the best way to ensure your success!

Studying for the CPSGT Exam
The CPSGT exam is intended to test the knowledge, skills and abilities to be expected of entry-level practitioners performing polysomnography and basic CPAP titration techniques.

While there is no stand-alone study guide for the CPSGT exam, be sure to review the CPSGT Candidate Handbook. It provides information which will be very helpful to you as you prepare for the CPSGT exam. Click here to review the CPSGT Candidate Handbook: https://www.brpt.org/cpsgt/cpsgt-handbook/

CPSGT Candidates are encouraged to utilize the AASM Manual for the Scoring of Sleep and Associated Events, Rules Terminology and Technical Specifications as an additional reference in preparing for the CPSGT exam. Click here to review a set of references that will help you prepare for the CPSGT exam: https://www.brpt.org/cpsgt/exam-prep/references/

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